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Mobile Application Development Course using Flutter.

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Dla kogo jest to szkolenie?

Beginner/Intermediate programmers

Czego dowiesz się z naszego szkolenia?

After completing this training, participants will be able to create their own mobile applications based on Flutter, which is one of the most popular frameworks for building mobile applications. They will have a full understanding of mobile application architecture and the ability to create responsive user interfaces and manage data.

Agenda szkolenia

Getting to know Flutter

Basics of Flutter: installation, environment configuration, creating a new project. Learning the Dart language, syntax, variables, data types, program flow control.


Creating a user interface

Using widgets to create a user interface: text, buttons, text fields, images. Styling the interface using themes and styles.


Gestures and animations

Handling user gestures, screen transition animations, built-in and custom animations. Creating interactive user interfaces.


Managing application state

StatelessWidget vs. StatefulWidget, managing application state, updating the interface in response to state changes. Using BLoC to manage dependencies and application state.


Data fetching

Communicating with a server and fetching data. Processing and displaying data in the application. Handling communication errors.


Testing the application

Unit testing and integration testing of Flutter applications. Using tools for automated testing. Testing the UI and handling errors.

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