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Introduction to OOP in Python.



1800 PLN + VAT





1800 PLN + VAT



Who is this training for?

Automation testers
Beginner programmers

What will you learn from our training?

Participants of this training will gain a solid foundation in object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python, which is crucial for understanding and applying design patterns. They will be introduced to fundamental OOP concepts such as abstraction, inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, and SOLID principles, with an emphasis on practical application in Python. The training will also help understand and avoid common mistakes in OOP. Additionally, participants will learn the basics of UML notation, which will facilitate technical communication and documentation of programming projects. The training is perfect for individuals who are just beginning their journey with object-oriented programming and also provides a foundation for further training related to design patterns, preparing participants for seamless navigation in the world of object-oriented Python.

Training Agenda

Object-Oriented Programming

  • What is object-oriented programming and what problems does it solve: Introduction to the concept of OOP, its role in solving programming problems, and a brief comparison with other paradigms.
  • Inheritance: Discussing how OOP enables code reuse through the mechanism of inheritance.
  • Encapsulation: Explaining the concept of encapsulating data and methods to protect the integrity of an object.
  • Interfaces: Presenting interfaces as agreements that define what methods a class should have.
  • Polymorphism: Explaining how different objects can be treated as instances of the same type.
  • SOLID: Presenting five principles of object-oriented design that improve code scalability and readability.


Python and Object-Oriented Programming

  • Python and inheritance: Analyzing how Python handles inheritance, including multiple inheritance.
  • Python and interfaces and polymorphism: Understanding how Python implements interfaces and polymorphism without explicit support for interfaces.
  • Python and operator overloading: Explaining how Python can change the standard behavior of operators.
  • Python and its programming idioms: Overview of unique patterns and practices in Python that distinguish it from other languages.
  • Python and popular concepts: Discussing key concepts in Python, such as classmethod, context manager, and others.



  • Visibility attributes: Explaining the role of visibility attributes in UML diagrams.
  • What is UML and what is its application in IT?: Introduction to Unified Modeling Language and its role in visualizing system architectures.
  • Class diagrams - discussing relationships: Detailed explanation of different types of relationships in UML class diagrams, such as aggregation or inheritance.
  • Quick overview of other diagram forms: Overview of other types of UML diagrams, such as sequence diagrams or use case diagrams.


Practical Task - "Exam"

Participants will have the opportunity to apply their acquired knowledge in a practical task that will test their understanding of key OOP and UML concepts.


This detailed training will provide participants with a deep understanding of object-oriented programming, its application in Python, and the ability to effectively use UML for visualizing and planning software structures.


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