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Design patterns in Python.



2000 PLN + VAT





2000 PLN + VAT



Who is this training for?

Automation testers
Beginner programmers

What will you learn from our training?

Participants of this training will learn how to apply design patterns proposed by Gang of Four, with an emphasis on their application in Python. We will analyze not only classic design patterns, but also those specific to Python. Each pattern will be thoroughly discussed using concrete examples, taking into account practical application and potential problems it may bring. The training includes practical exercises summarizing each group of patterns, allowing participants to reinforce and apply the acquired knowledge. The goal of the course is to equip participants with the skills to choose the appropriate design pattern depending on the situation, rather than relying solely on recently read materials.

Training Agenda

The training will focus on the most popular design patterns from three categories.

Behavioral Design Patterns

  • Chain of Responsibility: Discussion of a pattern that allows passing requests along a chain of objects.
  • Command: Presentation of a pattern that encapsulates a request as an object.
  • Iterator: Explanation of a pattern for sequentially accessing elements of a collection without exposing its internal representation.
  • Mediator: Introduction of a pattern that facilitates communication between a group of objects by introducing a mediator.
  • Memento: Discussion of a pattern that enables saving and restoring the previous state of an object.
  • Observer & Visitor: Explanation of the Observer pattern for monitoring changes in objects and the Visitor pattern for defining new operations without changing classes.
  • State: Presentation of a pattern that allows changing an object's behavior when its state changes.
  • Strategy & Interpreter: Discussion of the Strategy patterns for defining a family of algorithms and the Interpreter pattern for interpreting a language or expressions.
  • Template Method: Explanation of a pattern that defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a template method.


Creational Design Patterns

  • Abstract Factory, Factory Method & Class Factory: Discussion of patterns for creating class instances.
  • Borg & Singleton: Presentation of patterns for managing global states.
  • Builder: Explanation of a pattern that facilitates the construction of complex objects.
  • Prototype: Discussion of a pattern that allows copying existing objects without depending on their classes.


Structural Design Patterns

  • Adapter: Presentation of a pattern that enables cooperation between classes with incompatible interfaces.
  • Bridge: Explanation of a pattern that separates an abstraction from its implementation.
  • Composite: Discussion of a pattern that facilitates the treatment of individual objects and object compositions in a uniform manner.
  • Decorator: Presentation of a pattern that allows dynamically adding new functionality to objects.
  • Facade: Explanation of a pattern that provides a simplified interface to a complex system.
  • Flyweight: Discussion of a pattern that minimizes memory usage by sharing as much state as possible.
  • Proxy: Presentation of a pattern that enables controlling access to another object.


This detailed training on design patterns in Python will enable participants to understand and effectively apply various patterns in practical programming situations. Each pattern will be discussed with an emphasis on its practical application as well as potential pitfalls and problems associated with it.


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