POWER Hiring recruitment based on common sense
Urszula Czekirda 25.08.2022
Awareness of the power of human capital in recent years has clearly affected many industries with a shortage of human resources. The greatest demand is invariably noticeable in IT. Especially this industry must balance between the need to quickly recruit employees with appropriate substantive knowledge and prudence in the selection of teams in terms of their soft skills and fit.
The struggle between supply and demand in the labor market means that HR views must be holistic, balanced and flexible in order to agree to certain concessions without losing the quality of work and its effects. The hiring strategy must be planned in such a way that the company adapts to the changing reality.
So how do you hire the best? Why is it worth (if it is worth it) to use external support?
In order to have the greatest possible control over the quality of the employment process, it is worth basing our actions on the system.
So what should guide us when creating a new recruitment?
- Purpose! The goal is always the best employees – create CAREERS, not positions,
- Predict! The hiring process requires planning, thanks to which you can diversify even the sources of candidates,
- Know what you want! If you do not have a clearly defined scope of responsibilities for the candidate, how is he supposed to have this knowledge?
- Beware of cognitive biases! Halo effect? The effect of similarity? But after all, „Not all gold that shines.” Give yourself time to decide. Impulse actions are not a good business advisor unless I’m the type of person with infallible intuition.
The combination of the above elements with POWER HIRING gives a comprehensive approach to the quality of the recruitment process. So what is it? The experience of companies using POWER HIRING in the selection process has confirmed that hiring the best is an essential element of long-term success. However, this requires a well-planned and executed plan. The POWER HIRING approach includes a 5-step recruitment process so as to hire the best employee every time.
PERFORMANCE PROFILES – in order to hire a good employee, you must define the results of work in advance.
Without a good diagnosis, there will be no effective further stages. Most job descriptions include a list of skills, responsibilities, responsibilities and required experience. Only some include information about core competencies. However, all employers are looking for a „great, best” employee. To find it, you need to define its intended work results. Traditional job descriptions are not effective in finding, evaluating, or hiring the best. The key task is to define and define the GOAL and SUCCESS.This action allows for faster and easier finding of employees only if they are clear and unambiguous. Otherwise, the candidate will replace these objective criteria with his own ideas and stereotypes.
OBJECTIVE EVALUATIONS – past achievements predict future work results.
In the second stage of POWER HIRING, the recruiter should use an objective approach based on expectations in order to determine whether the candidate has the right approach, competences and motivation to perform a specific job. This is where we have the often famous interviews with the questions: „Where do you see yourself in five years?”.
The quantity, complexity and availability of tools and techniques that allow in a subtle way to check the candidate’s fit to the whole Organization (intentionally by „big O”) allows the HR department to quickly and painlessly reduce the risk of error to a minimum (provided that the process is handled by competent people). (you will learn more about methods, tools and golden questions” improving recruitment processes by following our blog regularly)
Why do many of the companies that have a large-scale acquisition effort still face a shortage of people with jobs? Among the list of reasons we will find both financial or reputation aspects as well as „human reluctance” to what „pops out of the fridge every time we open it”. The human classic defense mechanism is that the common job offer raises our concerns.
In addition, we will not discover America here if I remind you that the quality of the employment decision depends on the quality of the recruitment program.
But now something that can hurt a lot of recruiters! If the interview takes place with weak candidates, then the weak candidate will be hired, even though all techniques are used correctly. If the qualification meetings are held with a narrow group of selected, best candidates (the previous steps were carried out correctly), one of them will certainly be hired. Attention (!) – even if the recruiter is not a professional…
Recalling the words of Justyna Laszczuk collected in the study „Power Hiring approach in hiring the best employees”, usually companies recruiting employees are more or less in the middle of the extremes presented above. A good HR employee should be aware that one should be entrepreneurial. It is necessary to control what is happening, because only multilateral searches are a guarantee of an effective recruitment process. The advertisement should offer not so much a job as a CAREER. Every company should have a candidate search program that is ahead of its needs.
Usually, employees are only sought when it becomes necessary. Then the biggest advantage, which is TIME, is lost. It is also a fact that if the recruitment process is in a hurry, the standards are usually lowered…
And here a little self-advertising. If the internal department is overloaded, if there is no „helmsman” who can pull professional management of the recruitment process, isn’t it better to outsource it to professionals? (Here we are! )
EMOTIONAL CONTROL – achievements have priority over personality.
Haste is one of the most common mistakes in the recruitment process and fundamentally affects the control of emotions. In hiring, a lot of mistakes are made by unconscious reactions. Courtesy and first impression become more important than competence.
If the first impression is positive, the recruiter tends to be more approving.
And when the first impression is negative, then there may be a complete ignoring of the candidate’s statements. This approach is the source of most bad decisions in the recruitment process.
RECRUITING RIGHT – the recruitment process is a kind of career counseling
Who thinks that choosing the right candidate is the culmination of our efforts has never worked in HR 🙂
It becomes necessary to convince the candidate to accept a given job. Of course, it does not occur only in this final stage. We „sell” our offer from the moment of publication of the advertisement, through each stage of recruitment or selection.It is a mistake to think that hiring is about enchanting the candidate with work, the advantages of this work or its conditions. This is the least effective form of this process. Good recruitment is about CONSULTING.
By creating career opportunities for the candidate, the employer/recruiter increases the likelihood of long-term cooperation. The candidate will want to establish more cooperation with the employer and MAINTAIN THIS RELATIONSHIP. Measurable effect – reducing the costs associated with employee turnover.
Why such comprehensive thinking? Can’t you just report to Hr that we need an additional XYZ from October? You can… only in the perspective of the life cycle of the organization will it generate a huge cost, both financial and non-financial.