A simple recipe for an effective resume
Karolina Jarosz 26.04.2019
Each person has different abilities and predispositions. For one, writing a good resume is trivial, and for another it can be quite a challenge, regardless of the area of professional specialization. If you’re having trouble moving your thoughts to paper in a textual way, here’s basic information about what to include in your resume so that it’s not rejected by recruiters right at the outset. First, let’s think about what a good resume should actually look like.
How to write a good resume?
A good resume, that is, one that will retain the attention of the recruiter for a long time and make him want to devote his time to getting acquainted with him. A good resume is a meaningful and concrete summary of your resume, education, achievements and skills.
The basic information that must be included in your cv is, of course, your contact details. Be sure to put these up-to-date ones – posting outdated data is one of the most common mistakes made by candidates. It’s also a good idea to link to your social media accounts. Your professional social media channel, Linkedin, should be the most important for your employer.
However, if you’re applying for positions that require creativity, it’s a good idea to also provide a namiary for other places on the web. Adding your photo to your resume was controversial a few years ago. Today it is rather an option, decide for yourself whether you want to include a photo. Unless required by a description of the position you are standing for. Please note that requiring a photo in your resume involves additional clauses and obligations from a potential employer. There are companies that remove photos from the app themselves so that it does not affect the recruiter’s rating. If you choose to add a photo, it’s important that it reflects your professionalism.
Start with a plan
Start writing your resume by writing a plan that will be the backbone of the document and which you will expand with details written inversely chronological (latest items at the top, oldest at the bottom). The key elements that should be included in the cv are personal data, contact details, education, work experience, additional qualifications and skills and a photo. In supplementing the plan, remember that all information is included in a concise way – almost „from dashes”.
Empathize with the recruiter
Once you’ve created your full resume, consider whether the individual elements of your resume can make a difference in the work you’re going to apply for. Be sure not to send one resume for each job. The CV should be tailored to the specific job offer. So get rid of too much data. If you have listed the positions in which you have worked, it is important to include basic information about your responsibilities. Your employer should know exactly what you’ve done. Do not forget about the details – check typos and punctuation, this way at the outset you will show that you are a neat person. The whole cv should also look neat and legible. So make sure you maintain stylistic consistency (e.g. same numbering numbers, font size, and font type).
At the end of your resume, it’s worth adding in a few sentences what you’re particularly proud of in your work so far and why your skills and knowledge can be useful to a potential employer. The form of cv recording is also not insignificant. We recommend that you use .pdf format in which letters and photos are not switched depending on the software version.
An important thing that candidates often forget is a clause with consent to the processing of your information for recruitment purposes. The record and request for consent in the cv is usually already in the job advertisement. Often, if you apply through the employer’s website, simply tick the consents in the appropriate boxes. That’s exactly what we do in Dorwij Nerda. 🙂
If you have written a resume but are not sure that it is good, it is always worth showing it to a bystander or put it away for a few days or hours and return to the topic after a while with a fresh look. If you are still not convinced, remember that you can use cv templates that you will find on the Internet or professional advice. As a last resort, remember that there are also companies that are engaged in professional cv creation. However, we believe that after reading this article, you will be able to do it yourself.