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Creating web applications in Angular.

To be agreed upon.

To be agreed upon.

820 $ + VAT



To be agreed upon.

To be agreed upon.

820 $ + VAT



Who is this training for?

Beginner/Intermediate programmers
Beginner programmers

What will you learn from our training?

After completing the training, participants will be able to independently design and build web applications in Angular. They will also gain knowledge about best practices and design patterns, which will allow them to create scalable and efficient code.

Training Agenda

Introduction to Angular

Basic information about the Angular framework. Overview of the Angular application architecture, tools, and libraries necessary for application development.


Creating components

Working with components in Angular. Creating and managing components, receiving input data, and handling events.



Creating routes for the application, navigating between views, and passing parameters.



Creating and validating forms in Angular. Using built-in directives and services for form handling.


HTTP Requests

Communicating with the server using the HttpClient module. Fetching data from the server, sending HTTP requests, and handling responses.


Application State Management

Managing the application state using the RxJS tool. Creating and subscribing to data streams, reactive programming.

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