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Test Automation with Robot Framework

To be agreed upon.

To be agreed upon.

820 $ + VAT



To be agreed upon.

To be agreed upon.

820 $ + VAT



Who is this training for?

Automation testers
Manual testers

What will you learn from our training?

After completing the training, participants will have the skills necessary to automate tests using the Robot Framework. They will be able to write test scripts, perform automated tests, and analyze results. Additionally, they will have knowledge of best practices for creating automated tests.

Training Agenda


Basic concepts related to test automation. Differences between manual and automated testing. Overview of popular test automation tools.


Robot Framework Basics

Principles of operation of Robot Framework. Installation and configuration. Creating a test project. Syntax and structure of test files.


Creating Test Scripts

Components of test scripts and their structure. Using libraries and keywords. Working with test data. Debugging scripts.


Executing Automated Tests

Opening a test application. Executing tests on different browsers and platforms. Reporting test results.


Advanced Testing Techniques

Test configuration. Managing test data. Testing APIs and web services. Testing mobile applications.


Practical Application of Robot Framework

Examples of using Robot Framework for automated testing. Best practices and good programming practices. Stages of the test creation cycle.


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