Meet 5 types of recruiters and learn how to talk to them
Karolina Jarosz 10.10.2019

Whoever played the game knows that at the end there is often a boss who needs to be defeated to advance to the next round. Well, unless you play Dark Souls is …”git gut”. Do you know that? Well, well, because the recruitment is a little different – our recruiter boss is at the beginning of the game, and the successful passage of the conversation with the recruiter is a guarantee of getting to the next round of the recruitment process. Also, remember that when talking to a recruiter, you can not even defeat him, so machetes, sharp tools or weapons from Mario leave at home. All you need is the confidence, sincerity and skills you write about in your resume. It’s also worth getting to know the boss before you go into shooting with your interpersonal skills, here they are:
Detective Recruiter
He speaks quickly, and the conversation is chaotic. He often asks another question before the candidate can answer the previous ones. During the conversation you can feel a clear tension and a mysterious atmosphere, you can get the impression that you are in the audition. He lurks on your mistake in your resume, which is why he is particularly interested in dates and facts. Relax, take a deep breath and go to the facts.
Recruiter Philosopher
This type may seem like a pleasure because of the name, but nothing more wrong. Recruiter Philosopher creates and prous hypotheses, which he checks with further questions. He can speak calmly and slowly, and the whole conversation is not stressful. Nevertheless, be vigilant, because his questions, although not specific, will be at the heart of the matter. It’s hard to prepare for a meeting with the Philosopher Recruiter, you just need to know what you’re talking about and be sure of your knowledge.
Recruiter Painter Artist
Painter The artist may give the impression that he does not listen to what is said to him; it can also jump questions and randomly ask about the facts of your resume. Stay alert here too, because he knows exactly what he’s doing. During the conversation, everything is accurately recorded by sketching the candidate’s resume fully, and the atmosphere of chaos during the conversation is only part of his strategy.
Retro Recruiter
This type will certainly ask you all the most bored and most common questions imaginable. So you should prepare politically correct answers (formulas) to questions such as: „Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Why do you want to work in our company? What motivates you to work?” Unfortunately, it may still be that even carefully prepared formulas or sincere answers to the pain will not satisfy the curiosity of this recruiter.
Recruiter from Dorwij Nerda
If you bring the sincerity and skills you declare in your CV to this recruiter, then the conversation itself will be a pure pleasure, because recruiters from Dorwij Nerda will make sure that you do not feel stressed, depressed or tired in any way. If you do not believe, see for yourself and apply for one of our positions.
And what recruiters have you met on your professional path? Or maybe we should ask – which type of recruiter are you?