Inflation in Poland and galloping growth in earnings in IT
Sonia de Lambert 05.08.2022
Inflation in Poland and galloping growth in earnings in IT
The European Commission has raised its gdp growth forecast Polish in 2022 to 5.2% and lowered its estimates for 2023 to 1.5%. – results from the latest, summer forecasting round. Next year, prices in the country are expected to grow the fastest in the EU.
Not a very optimistic vision, but how do earnings in IT relate to it?
According to Antal in its payroll report:
„Specialists and IT managers, whose salaries have been growing dynamically in recent years, after a temporary decline during the pandemic, are again recording very high increases – by an average of 34%”
„The current demand for IT professionals exceeds their availability on the market. Still, the information technology industry absorbs experienced people, as well as comes out with offers to candidates who have switched to IT or are starting to gain their first professional experience in this area.
Increasingly, Western companies offering attractive rates reach for specialists from Polish, which affects their outflow from the domestic market. Thus, companies in Poland are forced to compete with the level of salaries with Western European countries.
Remote work makes it easier to find a new job.
Remote work, which has become common in most companies, facilitates this trend. The growing wages are also influenced by the economic situation in the country – inflation, changes related to the Polish Order, which often have a negative impact on wages in the case of contract work, extremely popular in the sector.
All this raises the expectations of employees, who are more and more open to financial proposals in the euro currency, which in their opinion is stable.
The multitude of job offers also results in the fact that candidates are becoming more and more selective and waiting for exceptional offers that will allow them to raise their financial level by up to PLN 5,000-6,000 gross.” – comments Monika KiliaĆska.
Work not only in Poland.
At the moment, IT specialists prefer to look for employers outside the country, because they can count on higher earnings. What’s going on?
Polish companies are losing employees on the domestic market to Western companies and Western rates. A special Poland Business Harbour visa program may prove to be a salvation for Polish companies, which was created to attract the best specialists from countries such as Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine…
Poland is the new west.
The Poland Business Harbour program is a comprehensive package that makes it easier for freelancers, start-ups, SMEs and large companies to reallocate seamlessly on the territory of the Republic of Poland. The program is organized by:
- GovTech Centre in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister,
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
- Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology,
Thanks to the package of services, you will be able to learn m.in how to quickly and efficiently start a business in Polish, get support in reallocating employees and their families or receive legal and visa assistance in the „business concierge” formula.
In addition, individuals and companies can count on facilitation in contact with local governments or Special Economic Zones. They actively participated in the preparation of the offer for reallocated employees and their families, creating temporary office and residential space. One of the elements of the package is also support in the form of connecting entrepreneurs with investors and grants for R&D activities.
What’s next?
In addition, dozens of technology companies from all over the Polish have prepared special job offers for visitors, combined with an accelerated visa path.
If someone wanted to, the catalog of companies is open all the time: https://form.govtech.gov.pl/ankieta/554110/polska-bezpieczna-przystan-zgloszenia-%EF%AC%81rm-informatycznych.html).
What is worth emphasizing, the Software Development Association Poland (SODA) and the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (PIIT) participate in the project. But does the program have a chance of success? Is this a rational move, the effect of which will be „in plus”?
What about Polish programmers? Polish the IT potential emigrate for work to foreign companies, and we will use the resources of eastern countries, or maybe the bubble will burst and we will swallow that we will return to the famous 15k?
I invite you to the discussion – I will be happy to know your opinion!
I also invite you to familiarize yourself with our job offers:
- https://www.gov.pl/web/poland-businessharbour ,
- https://www.bankier.pl/wiadomosc/Nowe-prognozy-KE-dla-Polski-Inflacja-w-gore-PKB-w-dol-8374954.html
- In IT, it’s better than good. Increase in wages, and there are still few employees – Bankier.pl
- https://antal.pl/wiedza/raport/raport-placowy-antal-2022